Mothership Adventures

Mothership Adventures is an expedition kayaking company. They offer multi-day paddling and wildlife viewing tours in some of the most remote reaches of British Columbia’s rugged west coast.

We assist Mothership Adventures’ overall digital strategy — managing social media accounts, website content and design, email marketing, and PR strategy, including outreach to media outlets, freelance writers, and tourism boards.


  • Social Media

  • Email Marketing

  • Website Copy

  • Public Relations

  • Digital Strategy

 Social Media Management

We manage Mothership Adventures' Instagram and Facebook pages, creating copy and implementing the social media strategy.

We've experienced an extensive increase in followers and engagement on both platforms. I've established connections with Paddle Magazine, Destination BC, Tourism Vancouver Island, freelance writers, photographers, videographers, and influencers to further our growth.

See Instagram account →

Social media management for instagram

Other Services

  • I’m working to develop Mothership Adventures email marketing strategy to inform our mailing list on upcoming trip offerings and encourage sales.

    My background as an expedition crew member gives my writing style added strength when speaking about various trip destinations on the BC coast and wildlife viewing opportunities to stimulate customers drive for adventure.

  • I currently assist networking Mothership Adventures with freelance writers, outdoor adventure magazines, bloggers and influencers.

  • I’ve written several trip brochures for MSA featuring their unique trip offerings and regions they visit. See brochure.

- Ross Campbell, Owner & Operator of Mothership Adventures

“Mothership Adventures couldn’t be happier with our working relationship with Rachel. She grasps concepts quickly, understands our objectives and walks the fine line of speaking on behalf of my company with the perfect blend of consultation and self-directed initiative. I have quickly come to rely on Rachel’s expertise and efficiency. Here is a person I can trust to speak for my company and keep my corporate interests front and center. A task or project delegated to Rachel is completed on time and well. What more could I ask for?”

Need someone to drive your digital marketing strategy? Let’s connect.


Mustang Survival - Copywriting + Email Marketing Strategy


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