Amarok Adventures

Amarok Adventures is an Iceland-based expedition hiking company that offers multi-day hiking tours around the world.

We helped Alberto & Monica re-write the trip descriptions of their most popular multi-day hikes for their website and digital/print brochures. See writing samples below.

Photos courtesy of Amarok Adventures.


  • Copywriting

  • Trip Descriptions

  • Creative Communications Strategy

- Alberto & Monica, owner-operators of Amarok Adventures

“Working with Rachel has been fantastic since our first meeting. She’s a fast, clear & very reliable copywriter. The workflow she has developed for working with each project is truly impressive and we are beyond happy with the final results. We committed to one project, and after a few meetings, we clearly knew we wanted to keep working with her on three more projects.

We’re totally sure working with Rachel is the best decision for your travel company.”

Amarok Adventures owner Monica
Amarok Adventures owner Alberto

The results.

Client feedback that dreams are made of…

Need help writing your trip descriptions? Let’s connect.


Khutzeymateen Wilderness Lodge - Social Media Services