
Thirdzy is a natural sleep supplement for performance & recovery support for athletes and active individuals.


  • Email Marketing

  • Creative Strategy

Email Marketing

I’m responsible for the content strategy and design for Thirdzy’s monthly newsletter campaign. We craft four emails per month (one/week) revolving around sleep education, product promotions and building brand awareness.

See email samples below.

New Years Promotional

Black Friday Sale

copywriters in whistler

Educational - Circadian Rhythm Explained

Educational - Effects of Oversleeping

health & wellness writer

Preview Performance Metrics

Revenue Increase
↑ 18% MoM

Avg. Monthly Click Through Rate

Avg. Monthly Open Rate

Annual Revenue Increase
↑ 68%

- Dr Justine Luchini, founder of Thirdzy

“Rachel has been excellent to work with. She’s a great communicator, super responsive, quick to implements feedback and revisions, and delivers her work quickly. She has nailed our brand voice in all the content she’s made for us. Rachel also helped improve our email content strategy and aesthetic. We’ve seen an increase in open rates and revenue generated from our mailing list since working with her.”

health & wellness copywriter

Interested in working together? Let’s connect.


Long Beach Nature Tours - Social Media + Brand Guide + Digital Strategy